Fix Issues Logging in to the Pulse Software
Log in Screen - We can not recognize you. Please, try again.

- HUB is not on network.
- The wrong password was entered. Password entered does not match software.
Test that HUB is on network. Clear cache and reload page, or try to navigate to "I forgot my password". The shortcut ctrl-F5 works on many browsers to force a page reload.
Wrong password. Password enter does not match password in the software.
- Use the I forgot my password feature (requires e-mail to be configured)
- Have user contact an admin to change their password
- Reset the admin password to regain access to the system
Log in screen - Sorry, your account is locked.

An admin or advanced user set the a user to locked (preventing access to software, and disabling the user's PIN)
Have admin or advanced user change the lock settings for user having issues.