Case Study

Silicone Sealant for Solar Frame Attachment


Achieving a quality bond is a significant part of providing high-performing and long-lasting panels. When considering automated dispensing solutions for a solar frame attachment, solar panel manufacturers look to Graco for accurate, on-ratio dispense and reliable performance.


A large solar panel manufacturer was looking for an advanced solution that would improve bead profile consistency for their lines while also automatically dispensing the silicone in a variety of different channel lengths. They were also looking for the most effective way to apply silicone sealant to the channels of solar frames while maintaining the ideal ratio for optimal material performance.


The Graco Hydraulic Fixed Ratio (HFR) Metering System was chosen for its ability to provide the consistent and continuous flow the customer needed to successfully dispense their mixed material for their chosen frame sealant application. The HFR’s consistent flow rate gave them the ability to dispense the proper amount of material throughout the frames’ channel. In conjunction, the HFR was also able to meet the secondary requirement for multiple and varying channel lengths. 

The system was equipped with an MD2 Dispense Valve with a static mixer, shroud and SS needle. Since the frame’s channel is smaller than the static mixer outlet, a SS needle was required to properly place the material into the channel. The MD2 Valve’s snuff back feature provided a clean start and stop. To meet the material’s ratio range, a 208 litre (55-gallon) drum system was provided for the blue side and a 19 litre (five-gallon) supply system was provided for the red side.


Given its accuracy and uniformity, the Graco HFR was able to lend its dependability to successfully extrude a bead of two-component silicone into the frame’s channel from end to end. Due to the fact that the HFR was developed and manufactured as a continuous flow system, the varying frame lengths were not an issue. 

Interested in learning more about how the Graco HFR can assist your plant with your specific and unique application needs? Build up your knowledge on the HFR here or reach out to our skilled team members for a custom application review. 


Solar Photovoltaic


  • Bonding and sealing photovoltaic module components
  • Used for rail bonding, frame sealing and junction box adhesion

Material Supplier/Distributor

Dow Corning Corporation

Material Specs

Dow Corning® PV-8303 Ultra-Fast Cure Sealant

  • Two-part, ultra-fast cure silicone sealant for fully automated processes

Typical Properties

  • Ratio: (A:B) 100:14 parts by weight
  • Viscosity:
    • PV-8300 Base 
      • Extrusion rate: 190 grams/min
    • PV-8303 UF Catalyst
      • Black – 350,000 cP
  • Chemistry:
    • Two-component silicone
  • Snap Time (working life): 8-10 minute range
  • Mixed specific gravity: 1.31
  • Colour: Black

Graco Equipment

HFR Metering System

  • Part Number: HFRB-21AJABANN
    • Blue Side Pump: 80 cc pump
    • Red Side Pump: 15 cc pump
    • Heat Zones: (None)
    • Hoses:
      • Blue side 12.7 mm (1/2 in) x 3m (10 ft) SS braid material hose
      • Red side 4.8 mm (3/16 in) x 3m (10 ft) SS braid material hose


  • MD2 dispense valve
  • 12.7 mm (1/2 in) x 36 element disposable mixer, shroud and cap
  • 10 gauge dispense needle

Delivery Method

  • C58318 SS fluid pressure regulators
  • CM7C58 208 litre (55-gal) SS Check-Mate supply pump with 19 mm (3/4 in) x 4.6 m (15 ft) material hose
  • CM7C3F 20:1 23 litre (5-gal) SS Check-Mate supply pump with 19 mm (3/4 in) x 4.6 m (15 ft) material hose

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