Surface Preparation
Proper surface preparation is essential to ensure optimal adhesion of any coating to the surface by removing all surface contaminants – leaving the surface clean, dry, properly profiled and sound.
Small Surface Jobs
To quickly prepare and de-rust small areas onboard of your vessel, Graco has developed a range of grinders offering you a higher efficiency and better results as removal is done mechanically.
GrindLazerVapour Abrasive Blasting
When removing old coatings on deck or corrosion control on steel structures on-board , choose Graco’s Vapour Abrasive Blast Equipment. It is a portable and powerful machine that gets the job done quickly and effectively.
EcoQuip 2Dust Removal
All dust must be removed from the prepared surface as any residue left will the spoil the coating. Graco has a solution to efficiently remove and reduce airborne dust