Finishing solutions for aluminium extrusions & panels

Paint automation can improve quality and decrease costs.


Building panels, metal door and window frames, and structural extrusions are used extensively in the commercial building industry for protecting buildings and making them aesthetically pleasing. 



Many panel and extrusions manufacturers are faced with fierce competition and pressure to improve quality and reduce cost. At the same time, customers are demanding more and more customisation, different types of materials and effects, and shortened lead times. Delivering on all of these demands is extremely difficult because they often conflict with each other.


The solution

Automating the painting process for panels and extrusions is an excellent way to improve quality and decrease costs. Improvements in process control can increase quality, while a decrease in waste, VOCs, and flush times can lead to lower costs. 

By using ProMix PD2K automatic proportioners, and automatic applicators like Pro Xpc and ProBell, customers can automate their process and maintain stringent control of all painting variables to ensure a consistently high quality. 

By removing operator error or unapproved parameter changes, manufacturers can stay in control and streamline their processes. 

Graco’s technology can also reduce material consumption by reducing flushing waste with ProMix PD2K remote mixing. This also increases throughput by reducing the changeover time, so manufacturers can paint more products during their shift. 

Implementing electrostatic technology with Pro Xpc or ProBell will deliver more paint to the part and less in the booth filter, thus reducing material consumption and disposal costs.

Automation ROI Tool

Automation saves money and improves efficiency. What's your return on investment?

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