ProMix PD2K

ProMix PD2K Expansion Pump, Air Spray, 35 cc, Low Pressure

Part Number: 24R970

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ProMix PD2K

ProMix PD2K Expansion Pump, Air Spray, 35 cc, Low Pressure

Part Number: 24R970

Base Unit Expansion Kit to add a third or fourth pump to your system
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Product Brochure
Base Unit Expansion Kit to add a third or fourth pump to your system

Specifications & Documents

Technical Specifications

Convert to Imperial
Includes Pump, Control Module, Solenoid, Frame, Mounting Bracket, Cables
Model ProMix
Series PD2K
Type Pump Kit
Includes Pump, Control Module, Solenoid, Frame, Mounting Bracket, Cables
Model ProMix
Series PD2K
Type Pump Kit

Product Manuals

CAD Drawings


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