Pneumatic Controlled, 1:1 Fixed Ratio, 5-Gallon Meter Mix Machine with Color

Part Number: 8-CS4-5M

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Pneumatic Controlled, 1:1 Fixed Ratio, 5-Gallon Meter Mix Machine with Color

Part Number: 8-CS4-5M

With a variable viscosity range and low-level material shut off switches to maintain ratio and save expensive material waste, the Model S4 series LSR pumps are ideal for medical, consumable and electronic manufacturing.

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With a variable viscosity range and low-level material shut off switches to maintain ratio and save expensive material waste, the Model S4 series LSR pumps are ideal for medical, consumable and electronic manufacturing.

Superior mixing and air-powered cylinders for liquid silicone rubber product molding.

  • Improved Color Depth
    Pigment ratio is adjustable from 1-5 percent to help you achieve precise color depth.

  • Variable Pump Sizes for Flexibility in Applications
    Pumps ranging from 1 to 40% of total A and B volume for pigment and other additives

  • Improved Safety
    The high-pigment pressure safety shutoff circuit and pneumatic main air shutoff valve (CS4-5 version only) offer added safety against excessive pressure or hose rupture on the third-stream line

Specifications & Documents

Technical Specifications

Convert to Metric
Component Type Plural-Component
Maximum Working Pressure (MPa) 21
Maximum Working Pressure (psi) 3000
Type Dispensing System
Component Type Plural-Component
Maximum Working Pressure (MPa) 21
Maximum Working Pressure (bar) 207
Maximum Working Pressure (kPa) 20700
Maximum Working Pressure (psi) 3000
Type Dispensing System


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