1.3:1 EFR Metering System 240 Volt with 40cc Low Volume and 50cc High Volume Z pumps Carbon Steel Manifold

Part Number: EFR2AHJC

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1.3:1 EFR Metering System 240 Volt with 40cc Low Volume and 50cc High Volume Z pumps Carbon Steel Manifold

Part Number: EFR2AHJC

The Graco Electric Fixed Ratio (EFR) system is a meter, mix and dispense system for two component sealant and adhesive delivery. Ideal for applications requiring precision dispense, the EFR provides superior control over material and dispensing of gaskets, beads, shots and potting applications. Trus... More Info
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The Graco Electric Fixed Ratio (EFR) system is a meter, mix and dispense system for two component sealant and adhesive delivery. Ideal for applications requiring precision dispense, the EFR provides superior control over material and dispensing of gaskets, beads, shots and potting applications. Trust in the EFR, which is accurate, versatile and easy to use.


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